
How can you support children's emotional development?

Try this true or false quiz by Meg Jones, childcare and early years consultant 1. Crying is the only way children in the early years are able to express their feelings.
Try this true or false quiz by Meg Jones, childcare and early years consultant

1. Crying is the only way children in the early years are able to express their feelings.

2. All children are basically the same; therefore, race and culture make no difference to a child's emotional development.

3. Research shows that young children can relate to more than one caregiver without becoming disturbed.

4. Children can be helped to understand about respect and helping other people by keeping pets.

5. All adults are important role models for children's behaviour.

6. Children should be weaned off 'comfort objects' by their first birthday.


1. False. Children are able to express their feelings in a variety of ways with language and non-verbal communication.

2. False. Children respond to the way they are brought up by their family, and are influenced by their community. How children are treated by others outside the family gives strong messages to the child about their worth.

3. True. While the settling-in period needs to be handled sensitively, children once settled are well able to adapt to several relationships with regular caregivers.

4. True. Having someone smaller than themselves to care for will teach children that it is a separate being who needs love and attention, like themselves.

5. True. Behaving towards a child as you would expect them to behave towards others is a valuable lesson in living.

6. False. Comforters should be allowed until the child is ready to give them up, with gentle encouragement.