Take ownership of your curriculum and build on your own knowledge to design and implement an effective curriculum. In this essential one day conference a range of experts provide ideas and guidance.

This conference aims to equip you to create a curriculum that evolves and changes as children’s interests broaden, and one that supports the growing confidence and creativity of staff working with them.
It will empower you to have high aspirations, so that your curriculum expands experiences and inspires young children to learn and become motivated to achieve.
Early years expert speakers on the day include:
- Keynote from expert Jan Dubiel on the importance of designing a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of your cohort of children, who will reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing children in this period of Covid recovery.
- Pennie Akehurst, managing director of Early Years Fundamentals, on a seven-step plan to meet inspection requirements
- Nicola Cherry and Louise Jackson on putting research into practice
- Mandy Cuttler on how to make your curriculum inclusive
- Clare Ford, quality support lead at Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries, on evolving your curriculum
- Paul Moore, senior training officer at Busy Bees, on upskilling practitioners;
- Dr Nathan Archer on embedding professional confidence.
Delagates will also have the opportunity to choose from three workshops:
- Promoting gender equity with Kirsty Ruthven and Sarah Johnstone from Lifting Limits on their gender equality pilot in nurseries;
- Catherine McLeod, CEO of Dingley’s Promise, on how to construct a high-quality inclusive curriculum for children with SEND alongside their peers;
- Caprice Fox, primary teacher, facilitator and associate at Representation Matters, will share practical advice and strategies to ensure your curriculum is truly inclusive and anti-racist.
More information
The conference takes place on 12 July at the Cavendish Conference Centre in central London. Book before 31 May for an Early Bird rate.
View the full programme and register here