
Make a splash

This month Claire Warden looks at the learning that can stem from splashing around in puddles Mathematical development: Ideas to explore Count and measure the frogs in the 'pond'. Create an edge around the 'pond' with twigs.
This month Claire Warden looks at the learning that can stem from splashing around in puddles

Mathematical development: Ideas to explore Count and measure the frogs in the 'pond'. Create an edge around the 'pond' with twigs.

Resources * Frogs of various sizes and patterns * leaves, twigs, mud and rocks to create miniature wildlife ponds.

PLOD Add resources such as plastic grubs and beetles to use as pretend food for the frogs.

Knowledge & understanding of the world: Ideas to explore Explore evaporation by marking with chalk the shrinking perimeter of a puddle. Explore how wind can move water by using the fans to artificially create the wind and watch for ripples on the water's surface.

Resources * Chalk * hand-held fans, or pieces of paper for making fans.

PLOD Provide paintbrushes for the children to 'paint' surfaces with water and explore rates of evaporation.

Physical development: Ideas to explore Explore the physical exertion needed to jump into, over and around puddles.

Resources * Bells strung on elastic and tied around the top of Wellingtons * ribbons * wings of various fabrics * waterproof dungarees

PLOD Introduce different types of movement such as skipping, twirling and hopping.

Creative development: Ideas to explore Explore how water can be used to create mixtures of different consistencies and to explore how some powders settle on the surface and others can be soaked up in paper.

Resources * Range of biodegradable powders and mixtures such as salt, mud and sand * short sticks or spoons * bark strips or absorbent papers to soak up the colours and scents

PLOD Extend the activity by introducing other materials such as coffee and cornflour. Provide Wellingtons to create footprint pictures using the mixtures.

Communication, language and literacy: Ideas to explore Explore how stories can be written down in a book or told as a tale by creating stories using the children's ideas.

Resources * Storytelling apron with objects linked to rain such as umbrellas * Wellingtons * fabric to act as puddles

PLOD Extend the storytelling by moving from one puddle to the next, stopping in each to tell the next stage of the story.

Personal, social and emotional development: Ideas to explore Rain can be exciting if you are dressed appropriately.

Create raincoats or shelters.

Resources * Pieces of builder's plastic with holes punched around them * objects to tie on to the waterproof roofs such as ribbon

PLOD Continue the experience over several sessions by consulting the children about their designs.


Poor resourcing and planning are often the greatest barriers to high-quality outdoor play. In this series, we outline ideas to explore, cross-curricular resources and possible lines of development (PLODs) to extend and consolidate children's learning. The resources can be stored in sets of bags - one for each area of learning, all stored in one bigger bag.

Such sets enable settings to respond quickly to events and children's interests and to supplement outdoor provision See also 'At the ready', Nursery World, 29 January 2004.

Claire Warden is the founder of Mindstretchers, an educational resource provider in Perthshire, tel: 01764 664409.