
More early years workers sought for Wales

A major recruitment campaign for the early years sector is being run by the Welsh Assembly government alongside the doubling of pilot provision of the Foundation Phase.

Minister for children Jane Hutt (pictured) launched the campaign lastweek to draw new recruits into childcare and to boost the qualificationsof the 26,000 workers in the sector. It is intended to support theFlying Start and Foundation Phase initiatives, filling thousands of newjobs in play, childcare and early years to be created in the next fewyears.

The Foundation Phase will be extended to 42 more schools and settingsfrom this month, in addition to the 41 settings that have been runningthe pilot since September 2004 (News, 15 February 2007). The statutoryroll-out for all three- to five-year-olds will start in September2008.

National development manager at the National Day Nurseries AssociationCymru, Sandra Welsby, said, 'We have been heavily involved in thedevelopment of the campaign and welcome the opportunity to show howrewarding the profession is. But we do have concerns about theunintended impact it may have on staff retention in Wales, particularlyin daycare settings. We will monitor any movement of workers fromdaycare centres to schools due to the Foundation Phase.'

The recruitment campaign comprises television, radio and press adverts,and a guide to childcare careers and training. For information