A survey by Pregnant Then Screwed found that of the 1,630 women respondents who have had an abortion in the last five years, just over 60 per cent said that the cost of childcare influenced their decision to have an abortion. For 17 per cent it was the main reason for making the decision.
A breakdown of the figures show Black women (76 per cent), those who are mixed race (70 per cent) and single parents (76 per cent) were more likely to be influenced by the cost of childcare when making a decision about terminating their pregnancy.
'The system is a shambles and it is so upsetting.'
One woman told Pregnant Then Screwed, ‘I have found it heartbreaking that I have had to have an abortion primarily because we could not afford the cost of childcare. If I had continued my pregnancy of a much wanted child I would have had to quit my job to care for them. This would have meant we had to sell our home as one salary would not cover the bills. This would have been detrimental to my one child. The system is a shambles and it is so upsetting. It is horrendous that myself and my husband are both professionals yet we cannot afford a second child due to the first years of their life requiring child care.’
The survey findings follow the news of Roe vs Wade being overturned in the United States, which now means there is no constitutional right to an abortion across more than half of the country. Abortion is also illegal in Northern Ireland.
A total of 28,000 women took part in the Pregnant Then Screwed survey into the impact of summer holiday childcare costs that ran from 2 – 5 July.
A total of 62 per cent said that childcare costs were either the main reason, or a factor in their decision, not to have more children. One in four stated that it was the key reason they didn’t have more children.
Student nurse – 'We are drowning in debt, struggling to feed our son and unable to afford basics'
One respondent said, ‘I’m a student nurse. Studying full time hours and my partner works 45 hours a week. Our household income is not great but I don’t qualify for any childcare help this academic year. We get no universal credit, no free hours or tax free childcare because I’m a student – so classed as not working! We cannot afford childcare so I have missed hours on placement, or at university, and this is negatively affecting my chances of qualifying.
‘We are drowning in debt, struggling to feed our son and are unable to afford basics such as petrol, food, utilities. Before I started this degree the cost was doable. This Government need to get their act together and help!’
Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, said, ‘Childcare costs are pushing families into poverty and forcing women to terminate wanted pregnancies. This is a crisis and the Government’s response has been wholly inadequate. The UK birth rate has hit a record low, a lack of births means a lack of future workers, which poses enormous challenges for our future economy. The UK has the most expensive childcare in the OECD as a proportion of women’s earnings, and the recent Government proposal to increase ratios will have little to no impact on costs, instead it will only serve to create a lower quality system, further deterring women from using our childcare provision.’
The campaign group is inviting parents to attend a national protest on 29 October to demand that the Government invests in good quality, affordable childcare for all, as well as committing to other family friendly policies.
'The early education and childcare system in this country is fundamentally broken'
Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Early Years Alliance, said, ‘It is shocking and extremely concerning that six in ten women who have had an abortion said that the cost of early years places influenced their decision.
'What’s more, the fact that 17 per cent of women said these costs were the main reason they chose to have an abortion makes clear a stark reality: that the early education and childcare system in this country is fundamentally broken.
‘The cost of childcare and early education should never, in any way, influence a woman’s decision over whether to have a child. The Government simply must recognise the severity of the current situation before it gets even worse. We urge the government to put a realistic and long-term plan in place that ensure the early years is properly funded so that providers are able to deliver the quality, affordable early years places that parents need.’