Young children enjoy moving, which is a way for them to find out more about their bodies, the world around them, their relationships with others and themselves. Adults can offer playful support, exciting variety and safe exploration.
Copying games Lie down on the floor with babies. Watch them carefully to see how they want to move and play, and play copying games.
Lifts and tips
Babies love being held firmly, lifted above the adult's head so they can look down and then tipped from side to side. This rhyme is a good one to use when doing so:
'R- ea- dy and ... up and down, and up and down,
And side to side, and side to side,
And round and round and round and round,
Here we go again.'
(Reproduced with permission from PEEP, As babies get bigger and stronger, help them test their strength by standing on your knee. Hold their wrists and let them jiggle and bounce to music or you singing a song or rhyme such as 'Humpty Dumpty'.
Swinging hammocks
This might be done using a large towel or sheet, with two adults holding the two ends. Lay either one or two babies in the middle of the sheet and gently lift them off the floor, checking that they are not frightened or upset. Then start to gently swing the hammock to and fro. If you watch their faces, they will probably see you come in and out of view and will feel reassured to know that you are there. Either sing a gentle song or put on a relaxing CD.
* 'Ready and' is in 'Singing Together 1' compiled by Alison Street for PEEP. ISBN 1-903553-35-0.