NEYTCO has already seen a number of childcare settings sign up to help provide professional development for early years practitioners by opening their doors to others.
Kids Allowed, a chain of nurseries in the Manchester area, has registered its settings. Down south, London Early Years Foundation (which includes 30 nurseries across the capital) has registered, as have Grayswood Nursery and Forest School in Surrey and Tops Day Nursery in Bournemouth.
NEYTCO was launched in December 2014 by Laura Henry and Catriona Nason to bring together early years trainers and consultants. The organisation aims to offer support and guidance to those in the industry as a community interest company.
Laura Henry, CEO of NEYTCO, said, 'Visiting other settings can have a huge impact on the individual’s personal and professional development, the continuous development of the setting and children’s long-term outcomes. I would also recommend visiting a setting outside your local authority as well as a different type, for instance an educator from a nursery school visiting a childminder and vice-versa.'
- For a full list of nurseries that have become NEYTCO early years providers or to sign your setting up, visit neytco.co.uk/professional-development/providers. All visits must be arranged directly through the nurseries.