
Nurseries shine in inspections

The teamwork of staff at the Corner House Day Nursery in Edinburgh was praised in its registration inspection report. The inspector noted the nursery manager's effective day-to-day running of the nursery and very good relationships with staff, children and parents. The report said, 'Staff were deployed effectively and allocated specific areas of responsibility.
The teamwork of staff at the Corner House Day Nursery in Edinburgh was praised in its registration inspection report.

The inspector noted the nursery manager's effective day-to-day running of the nursery and very good relationships with staff, children and parents. The report said, 'Staff were deployed effectively and allocated specific areas of responsibility.

'Staff worked together well and met on a regular basis to plan and to discuss their work. The nursery manager had begun a programme of staff development and review. An induction programme was in place for new staff members.'

All staff were involved in the process of observation, assessment and recording and had built up informative profiles for each child. This information was then used appropriately for planning.

Staff at Daviot Playgroup, Aberdeenshire, were praised for making effective use of a range of visits and visitors to extend children's knowledge of the local environment. Children also had good opportunities to develop skills in observation and investigation and participated enthusiastically in a range of drama and role-play activities. Staff encouraged them to co-operate and take turns and interacted effectively.

The welcoming and caring atmosphere at Luthermuir Playgroup, Aberdeenshire, was noted in its inspection report. The outdoor play area was used effectively and children were develop-ing good skills in balancing, climbing, running, jumping and pedalling. They were also developing their curiosity by planting seeds and observing the life cycle of tadpoles and were keen to talk about their own experiences.

Staff at South Primary School and Nursery Class, Wick, Highlands, also encouraged children to observe and ask questions. The report said, 'Most children were making good progress in the key aspects of their development and learning. They were familiar with the nursery routines and concentrated on their chosen activities.'