
Nursery activities

Brighten up a dull or fog-bound day by going outdoors to make some fresh explorations, as suggested by Claire Warden Resources Lanterns with remote switches, stopwatches
Brighten up a dull or fog-bound day by going outdoors to make some fresh explorations, as suggested by Claire Warden

Resources Lanterns with remote switches, stopwatches

Ideas to explore Set out the lanterns across the outdoor area. Switch the lanterns on and off several times and have the children count how often.

Switch off the lanterns for different durations and encourage the children to use the stopwatches to time how long the lights are switched on.

PLOD Make up a secret code relating to the number of flashes of the lanterns - for example, three flashes means 'sit down', two means 'run'.

Resources Variety of torches (dynamo, battery, long beam, short beam), Reflexite strip, small plastic mirrors, high-visibility strips of fabric Ideas to explore Attach the strips to objects in the outside area and shine the torches on the objects to see how they reflect light.

PLOD Explore the role of the police, ambulance and roadside recovery services, and the clothes they wear.

Resources Reflexite strips, wheeled toys, reflectors, torches and bike lamps

Ideas to explore Learn safety skills as children wear the reflective strips, attach lamps to the vehicles and place lights around the area to make it safe.

PLOD Extend the roadway system and safety messages by using bike spoke reflectors as pretend 'cats' eyes'.

Resources Pale luminous paint, sheets of Perspex or wood, torch Ideas to explore Create mysterious paintings that can only be seen in dull weather with a torch. Discuss how some colours are easier to see than others.

PLOD Put luminous shapes, small, black wooden boards and a small torch in a bag for the children to use when they wish to make pictures that glow when the torch is shone on them.

Resources Laminated paper, Chinagraph pencils

Ideas to explore Experiment with using a Chinagraph pencil. Talk about why the air is full of moisture on a foggy day.

PLOD Make warning messages and signs for role-play in the bike area.

Resources Warning bells and rotating lights or belisha beacons

Ideas to explore Let children look out for each other by giving warning calls and shining lights as they cross the 'road'.

PLOD Discuss how to organise the outdoor area and what protective clothing to wear in all areas of the setting.

Series guide

Poor resourcing and planning are often one of the greatest barriers to high-quality outdoor play. In this series, Claire Warden explores ideas, cross-curricular resources and possible lines of development (PLODS) to consolidate and extend children's learning. By focusing on natural materials that are inexpensive and can be easily prepared and stored, practitioners will be all set for a quick response to children's interests and events outdoors.

Claire Warden is the founder of Mindstretchers, an educational resource provider in Perthshire, tel: 01764 664409.