An Ofsted inspector found that the Trent Fields Kindergarten inNottingham was inadequate in the categories of 'organisation' and'helping children achieve well and enjoy what they do'. It said thenursery had also responded 'inappropriately' to a parent'scomplaint.
But owner Vin Rana said that lawyers were finalising an appeal, usingthe inspection service's complaints procedure. He said, 'The Ofstedreport was disappointing and bears no resemblance to reality. Parents,some of whom have been clients for many years, are astonished.'
An Ofsted spokeswoman said, 'We have not received a complaint from TrentFields Kindergarten regarding their inspection on 29 July. However, wedo have procedures in place for providers to complain or raise concernsabout Ofsted, including about their inspection.
'We encourage providers to raise any concerns or issues they have duringthe inspection so the inspector can resolve them as quickly as possiblewhile the inspection is taking place.'
She said that a complaint can normally be lodged 'during an inspectionor up to 30 calendar days from the date of publication of an inspectionreport'.
The spokeswoman said that if a complainant decided to begin legalproceedings against Ofsted while it was considering a complaint, it 'maysuspend the complaints procedure'.