We know our early years providers are working incredibly hard to meet the needs of young children and their families in very challenging circumstances. This is what they have always done and will continue to do during the coronavirus crisis.
We believe it is time that the dedication, skill, professionalism and love shown by everyone working in the early years sector is given the status and respect that this deserves, along with funding and pay to match.
No matter what part you play in the care and education of young children, as a nursery nurse, a nursery manager, a nursery group director, a childminder, an early years teacher, a lecturer, a consultant or trainer, help us raise awareness by sharing your perspective on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We want to celebrate your achievements and showcase positive stories. And you can send us your stories to news.nw@markallengroup.com.
It has never been more important to highlight the worth of the early years sector, and to bring about a change in attitudes and funding.
Use the hashtag #StandUpForEarlyYears and join the conversation on social media.