It comes amidst a growing number of, and interest in, co-located childcare and eldercare services on shared sites. According to think tank United for All Ages, which is campaigning for 500 centres for all ages by 2020, 20 new co-located sites are in development this year.
The guidance covers a range of scenarios involving nurseries and childminders based at care home sites, including leasing parts of the building, information on space requirements and when DBS checks are needed.
It has been issued to Ofsted inspectors following a roundtable meeting United for All Ages held with care providers and regulators.
Denise Burke, director of United for All Ages, said, ‘We are delighted that Ofsted has provided such positive and straightforward guidance to its inspectors responsible for registering and inspecting early years and childcare.
‘The growing interest in the co-location of childcare and eldercare services on shared sites has raised a variety of questions from providers. Ofsted’s guidance provides clear and helpful answers to a range of scenarios involving nurseries and childminders based at care home sites. We are also pleased that the Care Quality Commission has been supportive of such developments, recognising the benefits for children, older people and their families. The new guidance follows a recent meeting convened by United for All Ages with providers and regulators. We hope that by the end of 2022 there will be some 500 centres for all ages across the country and we look forward to working with providers to make it happen.’
An Ofsted spokesperson said, 'Recently Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission met United for All Ages to discuss the registration and inspection of premises that provide both childcare and residential care for older people. This type of inter-generational care is becoming more common. So, we have written guidance for inspectors to make clear in what circumstances we would register and inspect this kind of provision, without imposing unnecessary burdens while also meeting our legal responsibilities.'
- The guidance is available for download on United for All Ages' website here