
Orchestras for All

Youth music charity Orchestras for All (OFA) has unveiled details of its 2019 Modulo programme, which supports teachers and music leaders to establish and develop a small ensemble – a “Modulo” – of between four and 10 young people in their school or community.

The young players can be of any instrument and of any skill level or experience and once a teacher has registered they are given music and rehearsal resources – including bespoke arrangements – in order to get the ensemble up and running.

The programme, which is supported with funding from Arts Council England, also hosts regional and national “Modulo Meets” from March next year.

The theme for the Modulo programme in 2019 is “WordPlay”, which will explore the relationship between music and language and how music can communicate meaning and tell stories. And in 2019, the programme will also be offering in-school workshops to every Modulo group.

OFA was set up in 2011 to give disadvantaged young people opportunities to access the proven developmental benefits of performing in a large ensemble.
