
Ousted nursery finds temporary new home

A private nursery being forced to leave its Oxfordshire campus base has had a helping hand from the local council.

Abacus Nursery has been told to move from Abingdon and Witney College asit prepares for a 25m redevelopment programme beginning on 4 July. Thecost of more than half of the nursery places is discounted for studentsand college staff (News, 29 May).

Oxfordshire County Council stepped in last week with a piece of land,where temporary accommodation will be set up for the nursery.

Olivia Hill, co-owner of Abacus with Clair Taylor, said, 'The councilhas come to our rescue and we can rent this space from them for the nearfuture. But, realistically, it won't be ready until the end ofSeptember, so we're stuck for three or four months.

'Staff and parents have been outstandingly loyal. We've been overwhelmedby the support we've had - it makes the situation even harder,' sheadded.