
Parents rally to save nursery

A group of Chinese parents who only found out about the local council's plans to close their children's bilingual nursery when they saw an announcement in a local newspaper are campaigning to save it.

A parent of a child at the Pagoda Chinese Community Centre nursery inLiverpool posted a message on the Nursery World online forum,complaining that staff and parents only saw an announcement in Marchthat the nursery would close in July.

A group of parents were considering taking over the nursery as acommunity trust, but said they had not been given enough time by thelocal authority to employ staff and re-register the nursery.

The nursery, which has been running for 26 years, is currently attendedby only 12 children, but supporters say there is likely to be much moreinterest from within Liverpool's 6,500-strong Chinese community.

Alan Seatwo, chairman of the Pagoda Chinese Community Centre Advisory,said, 'We don't have data to say how many parents want to use theservice because the council stopped the waiting list last year, so wenow have to find out how much interest there is. Parents could take overthe nursery and run it as a social enterprise, but that is proving verychallenging due to the short timescales. Also, the nursery is in acouncil building, and the council will not lower or waive the rent.'

A spokesperson from Liverpool City Council defended the decision toclose the multicultural nursery, which comes as Liverpool celebratesbeing named the European Capital of Culture 2008.

He said, 'The reason the Pagoda is being closed is because it offerseducation only to children of a limited age range and does not have thesame range of facilities as others, for example an outdoor playarea.

'A number of children had planned to leave the provision at the end ofJuly. The City Council met with representatives of the community inApril and May to offer advice and support regarding development of asustainable childcare business, and would consider a proposal for use ofthe premises from them.'