The new programme, Reflecting on Quality, builds on the Alliance'sprevious scheme, Aiming for Quality. It aims to reflect the Alliance'score principles of parents' involvement and play-based learning.
The three-stage accreditation programme is based on the'observe-reflect-improve-review' cycle. It also gives settings theopportunity to produce a good-practice case study to share with parentsand local authorities.
Michael Freeston, director of quality improvement at the Pre-SchoolLearning Alliance, said, 'Settings achieving Reflecting on Quality candemonstrate to parents, professionals and the wider community that theyare serious about listening to parents and children's views on quality.This recognition can add value to the service and, in turn, can help toensure the setting's long-term sustainability.'
Northend Children's Centre in Slade Green, Bexley, was invited to trialthe development programme in December 2008, and is now at stage one.Staff have considered the way they work as a team, reviewing personaland professional development and working on individuals' strengths andweaknesses.
Centre manager Josie Lait said, 'Stage one has been really successfuland staff have got really involved. The scheme evaluates the wholeservice and has been good for staff mentoring and helped to develop ourteam.'
Anyone interested in Reflecting on Quality can find out more and applyat
Originally piloted with the Pre-School Learning Alliance's settings, thescheme is now open to all settings who wish to improve theirpractice.