Helping Schools, Helping Pre-schools, which will be distributed to all local authorities and schools in England over the next month, addresses the issue of how to work in partnership with voluntary sector pre-schools and nurseries in the local community when developing childcare provision.
The PLA's chief executive, Steve Alexander, said, 'Voluntary sector settings are eager to get involved in extended schools, but are often concerned about how the initiative might impact upon them and how, practically, they can participate. Similarly, schools often need support in establishing arrangements with charitable organisations.'
He added, 'Working with an extended school offers the potential for pre-schools to secure better premises, integrate their services within a wider environment and receive support in expanding to provide other services such as wraparound care or family learning.'
The pack contains a series of fact sheets covering issues that schools should consider when setting up an early years and childcare service. It includes advice for governors, early years terminology, establishing a pre-school on a school site and equipping and marketing your pre-school setting.