The films, commissioned by Inspiring Scotland on behalf of the Government’s commitment to support outdoor play as a key component of the early learning and childcare (ELC) expansion, share the work of a number of Scottish settings, including Stramash and Earthtime.
The practitioner film shows the diversity of the workforce that have been drawn to working in an outdoor environment. Many of the practitioners in outdoor settings are career changers, who have moved away from indoor roles, in search of improved well-being and job satisfaction. The practitioner interviews show that not all staff in outdoor ELC have had a lifelong love of being outdoors, but that it is instead a joy which can develop over time.
The children's film captures the wonder which children experience when engaged in outdoor play. It helps to illustrate the benefits of building a connection with the natural world and reminds us that children do not always need toys or structured activities to be engaged in playful learning.
The parental film captures the thoughts and feedback of parents whose children have attended outdoor nurseries. It shows the initial worries which many parents have about fully outdoor play, and the change in mind-set which occurs after they see the positive impacts on their child's development.
During the coronavirus pandemic, ELC services across Scotland are being advised to maximise time spent outdoors in order to reduce the risk of virus transmission. Outdoor settings were the first to be granted permission to reopen following the first wave of the pandemic in June.
A spokesperson from Scottish Government told Nursery World, ‘We are committed to the daily inclusion of high quality outdoor play experiences across all early learning and childcare provision. It is our ambition that children in Scotland's ELC settings will soon spend as much time outdoors as they do indoors, understanding the benefits that being active outdoors delivers.’
Rachel Cowper, programme manager of Inspiring Scotland’s Thrive Outdoors fund, who worked on the films, told Nursery World, ‘Getting children outside has significant benefits – for their health, their wellbeing and their connection to our natural world. There are allegedly 36 fully outdoor nurseries across Scotland and people are curious to know what it like to work at them and send their children to them.
‘The filming took place in January and were embargoed due to Covid, so there’s lots of crunchy ice, which is perfect for practitioners reflecting on the season we’re approaching. It may require a little bit of forward planning about clothing and layers and fires and heated places and cosy blankets that might be required at certain times throughout the day - but it’s all possible.’
She added, ‘One of the things that stood out was the depth of conversation from practitioners about the real impact it had on them – how they feel happier, healthier and have a sense of well-being and peace.’
The films have gone viral on social media and Ms Cowper said that university lecturers have been in touch wanting to use them in their courses with the students and there has been interest from Canada and Australia.
View the films below:
- Outdoor ELC for practitioners; what’s it like to work in a fully outdoor nursery? https://youtu.be/FmLrG5DuZwE
- Outdoor ELC for parents; why do parents choose an outdoor nursery experience for their child? https://youtu.be/b01cgoM-RKA
- Outdoor ELC for children; what do children think of their outdoor nursery? https://youtu.be/KkpEajokuII