
Spotlight on…Kirsty Hauxwell

Careers & Training
Nursery nurse, Jack & Jill Day Nursery, Wirral

Can you tell us a bit about your hobby?

At the weekends I compete as a sidecar passenger. I grew up around sidecars and started ‘passengering’ for my dad when I was 16. My first year was hard. Being a passenger is very physical; you need really good upper body strength, but you also need agility to be able to move on the back of the outfit. I did get thrown out once but escaped with just grazes and bruises. I am now part of the first-ever all-female team in the British Sidecar Championship.

How do you combine your job and sidecar racing?

It’s not straightforward. Most races happen at the weekend, but the qualifying sessions are always on a Friday so I need to take time off. Luckily my colleagues have been very understanding and as we’re now approaching the end of the season, I’ll be able to make it up to them! Some of the skills I have learnt through racing come in handy at nursery. My quick reactions are useful in preventing accidents happening to children.

What is the response to your hobby at work?

My colleagues all think I’m crazy. The truth is, I’m not really a thrill-seeker in other aspects of my life and this is my only hobby as it is very time-consuming. But I really enjoy my work and I love sidecar racing. I hope I can carry on combining the two for a long time and be a role model for young women who want to defy gender stereotypes.