
Sure Start win for agency

One of the UK's largest childcare recruitment agencies has been awarded its first Sure Start contract to operate a creche service in London.

Tinies Childcare will take over the running of the creche at theKatherine Low settlement in Battersea this month, after successfullytendering for the two-year contract from Wandsworth Borough Council.Tinies will also operate three mobile creche services which will travelto different parts of Wandsworth to offer two-hour sessions whenrequired.

The Battersea Integrated Children's Services creche will open fromMonday to Friday with 24 places expected.

Oliver Black, director of Tinies, said, 'This is our first piece oflocal government work. They saw that we could offer novel solutions.Starting up a creche is often the hardest element and our recruitmentbusiness shows that we can provide a better choice of staff than most,and that we can expand.'

He added, 'We are looking at a couple of tenders in otherlocations.'

Tinies runs several creches in the private sector for companiesincluding Cannons Health Clubs and Four Seasons hotels.