
Survey reveals fears for quality if staff-to-child ratios are relaxed

Nurseries and pre-schools have expressed concern that they would not be able to provide the same high quality of care should the Government relax adult-to-child ratios, a survey by the Pre-School Learning Alliance has found.

The Pre-School Learning Alliance's survey of 550 members, carried out to inform its response to the Childcare Commission, found that the majority of members (94 per cent) thought reducing staffing levels would have a negative effect on quality of care.

One respondent said, 'Fewer staff would undoubtedly reduce the quality of provision.'

More than 90 per cent of respondents said they believe that Ofsted's role in sector regulation should be about the same and that current sector regulations are generally at the right level.

However, some members voiced concerns over the inconsistency of inspections and Ofsted inspectors in particular.

The survey also revealed that just 10 per cent of nurseries and pre-schools said they currently receive adequate funding to cover the cost of childcare places under the free entitlement. This marks a significant decline from a previous survey conducted by the Alliance in May, when the figure was 38 per cent.

Very few settings believed this would change when the Government extends the free entitlement to 260,000 disadvantaged two-year-olds by September 2014.

Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, said, 'The Government is looking at ways to reduce the cost of childcare to parents. Despite the fact that there is a direct cost benefit to providers in changing the staff-to-child ratios, given that approximately 70 per cent of costs are staff salaries, our survey finds little support for this action, with the vast majority stating that quality of care would be compromised.

'There is a glaring omission at the heart of the consultation - the failure to consult on the level of funding of the free early years entitlement. By not addressing this fundamental issue, the Government continues to put the emphasis on making up the shortfall on parents and providers, even though earlier this year the National Audit Office highlighted that early years funding should be reviewed.'


  • 94 per cent do not believe they would be able to maintain their current quality of service if staffing levels were reduced.
  • 91 per cent believe that current sector regulations are generally at the right level.
  • 10 per cent said they currently receive adequate funding to cover the cost of providing free childcare places.
  • 75 per cent would be unlikely to lower their childcare fees if the Government decreases staff-to-child ratios and increases funding for the free entitlement.
  • 87 per cent believe that childcare providers play an important role in the provision of information and support to parents and families.
  • 68 per cent believe that the Childcare Commission did not consult sufficiently with early years providers.