
Target is achieved early for access to extended services

The number of schools offering access to extended services has reached the Government's target of 7,000, two months ahead of schedule.

New figures released by the Department for Children, Schools andFamilies last week also revealed a 26 per cent increase in the number offull-day care places, a 117 per cent rise in the number of holidayclubs, and a 58 per cent rise in the number of after-school places since2003.

The Government wants all schools to offer access to a core set ofextended services by 2010, and for all families with children aged up to14 to have access to affordable, flexible and high-quality childcarefrom 8am to 6pm.

Children's minister Beverley Hughes, visiting a Bollywood dancing classat Lister Community School in Newham, London, said, 'We have invested alot of money in childcare services and extended schools and it isstarting to pay off. There is clear evidence that activities beingoffered across the country have had a positive effect on pupils.'

Julian Piper, extended services director of educational charityContinYou, which is supporting the roll-out of extended schools, said,'We have become increasingly passionate about this agenda over the yearsand we are now seeing that many of the outcomes have been way beyond ourexpectations.'

- See news, page 8.