The 'Food for Tot' pack was launched by two-and-half-year-old Michael Cooney (pictured) and other children from Greengables Nursery School and Family Centre. The guide was produced with help from local health visitors and community dental health practitioners, after holding sessions for parents on how to provide good diets and nutrition for babies and children under three. The whole project was funded by Sure Start Edinburgh.
The pack is designed to be used with groups of parents and carers of babies and young children. Subjects include what to eat during pregnancy, how to wean babies and what makes a good family meal.
The pack contains guidance for course leaders, background information, fact sheets, recipes and suggestions for group activities, all aimed at encouraging a balanced diet for the family.
Christine Mckechnie, a community education worker based at Greengables, said, 'Over the years, parents and carers have been expressing concerns on issues of nutrition and their children's diet.
'At Greengables we have now been offering practical advice and support sessions for many years to encourage good health and diet. Food for Tot addresses many of the questions that have been raised at these sessions and attempts to give parents and carers the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions themselves.
'The resource pack will allow this valuable work to be replicated across the city and encourage professionals from different disciplines to deliver the sessions in a range of settings.'
In another project, Green-gables has also launched Sang Sacks after local senior citizens visited the nursery and sang traditional street songs with the children in the Scots language.
The sacks are based on the concept of the popular Story Sacks for young children used in many early years settings. They contain song sheets and props with the aim of supporting young children's appreciation of rhyme and music. Parents and other local people have been involved in selecting the songs, many of which are in the Scots language, and making the colourful sacks.
The 'Food for Tot' pack is free to organisations within the city of Edinburgh, but there is a small charge for other local authority areas. For further information call 0131 669 9083.