
Tips on...

Follow our pointers on choosing your options on NVQ Level 3. Read our advice in conjunction with Level 3 standards in Early Years Care and Education. To gain an NVQ3, all candidates must complete the 11 mandatory units, and choose another three from the list of options. There are 15 optional units to choose from and it is important to choose the ones appropriate to your work setting.
Follow our pointers on choosing your options on NVQ Level 3. Read our advice in conjunction with Level 3 standards in Early Years Care and Education.

To gain an NVQ3, all candidates must complete the 11 mandatory units, and choose another three from the list of options. There are 15 optional units to choose from and it is important to choose the ones appropriate to your work setting.

Options are no more difficult to achieve than the mandatory units, providing you choose the right ones for your circumstances.

From studying the titles of the units, and looking at the performance criteria and range, you will see that they are targeting particular aspects of care and education. There will be few, if any, jobs that include all of these aspects.

In consultation with your assessor and/or your assessment centre, you need to decide which three are appropriate to your setting. Some people may work in more than one job or setting, which will increase the opportunities for them.

Optional units

* C14 Care for and promote the development of babies

* C17 Promote the care and education of children with special needs

* C18 Develop structured programmes for children with special needs

* C24 Support the development of children's literacy skills

* C25 Support the development of children's mathematical skills

* M2 Manage admissions, finance and operating systems in care and education settings

* M6 Work with other professionals

* M8 Plan, implement and evaluate routines for children

* M20 Inform and implement management committee policies and procedures

* P4 Support parents in developing their parenting skills

* P5 Involve parents in group activities

* P7 Visit and support a family in their own home

* P8 Establish and maintain a childcare and education service

* MCI/C1 Manage yourself

* MCI/C4 Create effective working relationships.

Making your choice To help you assess what is appropriate to your circumstances, read the first page of each of the unit standards, which will tell you who the unit is aimed at. For example, C24 says, 'This unit is appropriate for workers in all types of settings where children are supported individually or in groups; especially those workers who support teachers working at English Key Stage 1 or its equivalent.' And C17 says, 'This unit is appropriate for workers in all types of settings where children with special needs are cared for individually or in groups. It is appropriate for those working in integrated settings as well as those working in specialist settings.'

It is obvious that if you do not work with babies, you will be unable to take C14, which specifies the age range from six weeks to 12 months, unless you arrange a placement in a setting where babies are present. Likewise to take C24 and C25, which have performance criteria specifically related to Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum or equivalent, candidates need to have access to a relevant setting.

Candidates taking NVQ3 have different experiences and work in different types of settings, which also need to be considered when choosing options.

You will need to be an experienced or senior worker to take M6, 'Work with other professionals', and have very specific roles for P7 and M20.

While some units, C17 and C18 and M7 and M8 for instance, may seem similar, you will have to have new and specific evidence for each unit. Having done mandatory M7 (Plan, implement and evaluate learning activities and experiences), for example, you cannot subsequently choose M8 and use exactly the same evidence, although there will be some cross-referencing of evidence. Think carefully before choosing your options, because with an evidence-based qualification you must be able to demonstrate your competence in the units selected.