
What to offer babies six to 12 months old

Playthings that reflect and encourage development in children from six to 12 months include: * Toys that enable children to produce an effect - simple musical instruments such as shakers or drums; toys that squeak or rattle; pop-up toys; beakers or blocks to knock down after someone else has piled them up.
Playthings that reflect and encourage development in children from six to 12 months include:

* Toys that enable children to produce an effect - simple musical instruments such as shakers or drums; toys that squeak or rattle; pop-up toys; beakers or blocks to knock down after someone else has piled them up.

* Toys that you operate to produce a surprise - robust wind-ups (things that splash in the bath especially), pull-string dancing men or musical toys.

* Things that can be thrown safely - beanbags, soft balls, small cushions. Once a child has learned to let go, and watch where an object falls, throwing becomes a favourite pastime.

* Personal items - a favourite cuddly toy or doll and practical things that are used regularly, such as a cup or bowl. Children of this age are beginning to be aware of themselves as individuals and need to have some possessions that are theirs alone.

* Containers and things to put in them - buckets and beakers, balls and blocks, 'small world' people of an appropriate size. One-year-olds love to put something into a container, take it out, then put it back in again (rather like Eeyore with his burst balloon and his empty honey pot).

* Real, everyday items with which safely to imitate adults - spoon, plastic cup, toothbrush, facecloth, plastic bottle; you name it.

* Pretend versions of everyday items that the baby can't play with safely - a toy camera and a toy telephone, for example. Don't include anything too complicated at this age.

* Baby books - books made of fabric, wood, heavy card or plastic. The best fabric books incorporate lots of different textures and colours. The plastic ones can often be taken into the bath as a bonus, and they sometimes contain a squeaker. Flaps to lift are always a plus. Cardboard has to be very resilient if it is to survive the inevitable mouthing.