Working with Babies and Children Under Three by Anna Duffy, Fiona Chambers, Sally Croughan and Jill Stephens (Heinemann, 14.99, 01865 888118) Reviewed by Sandy Green, early years consultant
The clear, generously spaced text in this appealing book really invites the reader in. The authors have made good use of both photographs and diagrams to illustrate throughout. I found the diagrams of the brain particularly good, with clear, informative explanations.
There are six chapters, covering respect for babies, how they learn, different ways in which they communicate, and how to be a professional childcarer and work in partnership with others.
All sections are supported well with case studies. Focus points work well, sometimes giving information and sometimes asking questions for the reader to consider.
'Reflect on your practice' points are also useful, although at times the difference between these and the focus points is rather hazy.
I particularly liked the way each chapter concludes by setting out the main skills that have been highlighted within the text, drawn from 'Reflect on your practice'. This works very well to make a useful read.