United for All Ages is running five free regional workshops in the spring of 2019 to encourage more childcare and eldercare providers to bring generations together in activities and experiences.
The workshops will provide interactive and practical tips on developing centres for all ages, featuring case studies, good practice ideas and funding and marketing opportunities and partnerships.
Supported by Anchor Hanover, the largest provider of specialist housing and care for people in later life in England, United for All Ages is offering the workshops to providers of childcare, eldercare and housing with care, commissioners or leads from local authorities, and community or voluntary organisations.
The workshops can accommodate between 15 and 20 attendees per session.
The half-day workshops will be held in:
- Leeds on 27 February (afternoon)
- Manchester on 28 February (morning)
- Peterborough on 5 March (afternoon)
- London on 6 March (afternoon)
- Bristol on 7 March (morning)
Stephen Burke, director of United for All Ages, said, ‘Bringing younger and older people together to share activities and experiences benefits them, their families, staff and local communities. There are also economic benefits for care providers – from sharing costs and providing on-site childcare to creating a marketing USP. It’s a win-win for all ages. These free workshops will help get more projects started and developed further.’
Jane Ashcroft, chief executive of Anchor Hanover, added, ‘We are pleased to be involved in this project as intergenerational activities benefit everyone involved. Young people can find out more about the life experiences of older people who in turn often love being in the company of children. Such opportunities enable each generation to learn about and understand each other.
‘Anchor Hanover has organised many events and projects involving young and older people in our retirement properties and care homes, so this initiative enables us to build on our extensive experience.’
- To book a free place email stephen.burke@unitedforallages.com or visit www.unitedforallages.com