Development Reviews
All three pathways have been preparing for the development review. This exercise occurs at the midpoint of the pathways and allows trainees to reflect on their achievements to date and consider any evidence they may have collected. The review takes place with one of the EYTS tutors and allows trainees to action plan to help them consider how they can meet the remaining Teachers Standards (Early Years).
The Graduate Entry Pathway (GEP)
Trainees have submitted and gained feedback on their first written assignment, they have had a seminar session where they were able to discuss the submission for their second assignment and give peer feedback to each other. These opportunities allow them to critically reflect on their practice and how they evidence this.
Taught sessions have asked trainees to reflect on equality, inclusion and diversity and what it means to them. This session helped them to understand their role within a multi-agency team and how they can support all children regardless of their background. There was a session on the history of curriculum development and specifically the National Curriculum engaging trainees with the concept of the education continuum. This linked to the discussion around transitions – what are transitions? How can parents and children be supported during transition?
The Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway (UPP)
The EYTS sessions focused on sustained shared thinking and quality interactions where trainees reflected on their settings and how they scaffold and support children. The philosophy of pedagogy was discussed and trainees explored aspects of wider pedagogy, for example social pedagogy. The led to a session on curricula frameworks which consider the Montessori Method, High Scope, Reggio Emilia and Te Whariki.
The Undergraduate Entry Pathway (UEP)
Trainees have been reflecting on professionalism and what it means to be a professional in the early years. They have also reviewed the development of a curriculum and consider the formation of the EYFS and its implementation. We have been fortunate to welcome an external speaker this week. We had a speech and language therapist who discussed her work and considered how trainees can support children with speech and language needs.
September 2014
The three programmes which will be offered by the University have been through an initial clarification meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to gain both internal and external feedback on the proposed structure and delivery to ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’. The University was pleased to welcome a colleague from the University of Warwick who had agreed to be our external reviewer. Her constructive and helpful comments have allowed us to enhance our offering to our next set of trainees. We are working very closely with our colleagues from our Initial Teacher Training team to ensure that we are providing a joined up offering and will be mirroring the pathways the University currently offers to our Primary and Secondary trainees.
The recruitment phase is in progress. We have a number of potential trainees who have returned their application forms and are undertaking the teacher professional skills tests in maths and English. The first set of recruitment days are planned after the Easter break.