When the days are short and dark, it’s not surprising that many of us could be experiencing a touch of the winter blues. That said, I hope this last Nursery World of 2023 will provide a real winter warmer. Seeing children happy and immersed in their learning has a way of putting the world to rights, and there is a lot to raise a smile in this month’s practice pages.
For example, I’m loving the vibe of Amy Jackson’s A-Z of enhancements piece, which features ‘P is for performance’ (page 23). The photo says it all – those children are really enjoying the moment on their self-created stage; they are being who they want to be, with imaginations in full swing. Lots of learning was achieved through this enhancement: building relationships through collaboration, strengthening memory skills by learning songs, and applying numeracy through organising tickets in the box office they created. Particularly interesting was the kindness children demonstrated in taking turns and listening and clapping each others’ efforts in music-making. This feels very positive in the festive run-up.
Talking of festivities, on page 14 we take a look at the different ways settings are celebrating Christmas – but with the emphasis very much away from high-pressured nativities. Key considerations are inclusivity, celebrating individuality and making memories in the great outdoors.
And should Santa be placed on the naughty step? This is the subject of our big debate on page 13, which provides two perspectives on his role in early childhood. Personally I’m in favour of retaining a little magic.
Back in the world of policy, our exclusive interview with Children’s Minister David Johnston (page 7) sheds light on the background to planned funding and regulatory changes. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear his keynote at our Business Summit on 2 February. Meanwhile, have a wonderful Christmas.