Your mental health matters and I remember when I was striving to be a successful early years teacher I would attend courses, read books and reflect on my teaching daily. Yet none of this had the impact I desired when I didn’t have the tools I needed to look after my own mental being and selfcare.
In the early days of my teaching career everything used to be at such a fast pace, rushing from one activity to the next, never getting to know the children, having a daily lunch date with the laminator and creating provision that ticked a box but didn't actually meet the children's needs. I used to spend so much time on evenings doing paper work that had little impact on the children, and this was all fuelled with sugary snacks and coffee. It left me feeling drained, anxious and fed up.
For me everything changed during a summer of travelling when I discovered the Danish secret to improved wellbeing and happiness – Hygge.
Hygge (pronounced hue-guh) is a Danish concept that cannot be translated to one single word but encompasses a feeling of cosy contentment and wellbeing by enjoying the simple things in life. It feels unique to everyone. For example, taking the time to appreciate the first cup of coffee on a morning before anyone else gets up or a snowy walk through the woods and feeling the freshness of the cold on your skin.
Meik Wiking author of The Little Book of Hygge believes that there are ten principles that must be considered to live a hygge lifestyle. These are:
Shelter *
During my time in Scandinavia, I loved how every day was celebrated and I began to see that life wasn't something you squeezed in time for around a busy day at work. Instead, the day involved living life well and tuning into the simple moments that would bring joy – and then planning more of this. Many of the hygge principles could be applied to the way we teach too.
I realised that the way we organise our environments is important to creating a calm atmosphere. Cosy areas to sit and read in, the interiors were all clutter free and decorated in neutral décor and furnished with warm textures. Lighting involved swapping to lamps and fairy lights in jars to give off a warm and inviting glow. Rather than the harsh tones from the over head lighting.
The Scandinavians appreciate the importance of nature and that it offers us something wonderful and unique that we cannot experience inside. There is a richness and a diversity to what we can experience outside as we go through the flow of the seasonal year and working outside can allow every area of our early years curriculum to be met.
We know from extensive research that being outdoors is good for our wellbeing by raising serotonin levels in the brain, improving mental health as well as allowing children to take risks and build resilience which all contributes to a healthy way of living.
We can make sure as early educators that throughout our week there is a balance of adult led sessions held between the inside and outdoor environment to show that learning can happen anywhere.
Lastly, hygge is not just about making changes to the environment but about becoming more present. As educators we can make changes to our daily routine and slow everything down. Tweaking our planning to make it more responsive to the children’s fascinations and interests. Improving engagement and involvement o during play.
Embracing hygge brings an increased calmness and balance into the day. It was when I started to prioritise my mental health and well-being that I was able to believe in myself and be an outstanding teacher. Using it as a reminder to fix our own oxygen mask first which then equips us to look after those around us better.
*(Principles taken from Wiking, M (2016) The Little Book of Hygge)
Kimberly Smith is author of Bringing Hygge into the Early Years, published by Routledge (February 2022, Pb: 978103203