After nearly 30 years of running Paint Pots Nurseries in Southampton, we have taken the very difficult decision that the time has come for retirement.
We have been seeking someone we could trust to take over maintaining our precious values of love, laughter and learning, and, most importantly, to continue our mission of making a difference for all the children we have had the privilege of caring for and teaching, and for our families across the Southampton area.
It has not been an easy search or decision – we needed to find an organisation that would not want to come in and change everything, but would instead recognise and value what we do, and work with us to continue doing it.
Launchpad Social Enterprise (LSE) is a charity run by the Winchester Diocese of the Church of England, committed to the best outcomes for children and families. Education is one of its core charitable aims. It describes its values as ‘joy, care and friendship’ – not so different from our own. We are both working with LSE for the next three months to assist with transition. After this, we will continue to provide our expertise and knowledge as consultants.
Paint Pots has always been more than just a business to us, and we value the many special relationships we have developed and maintained across the years with so many people across the sector, both in the UK and across the world. We are incredibly proud of everything we have achieved together since Paint Pots started.
We truly believe that Paint Pots, like so many early years centres, is a family – an extended one, filled with love, laughter and learning every day. We know that our team will continue to carry on this great work and we are reassured that LSE will support them in doing so.
We want to thank everyone who has connected with and helped us, in whatever capacity. We have made so many good friends with people who have assisted, supported and encouraged us over the years. We are truly grateful for every kindness. Together, we have made a difference to many, many children and their families across the Southampton area and beyond.
We are not leaving the sector entirely. We will continue in our new capacity as early years ambassadors. David maintains his role as the national representative for England to the World Forum on Early Childhood Education. We will both offer our support for the sector and children through our writing, training, advocacy and consultancy.
We acknowledge and appreciate all that you do each day on behalf of children. We know what it has been like to carry on through the pandemic providing places of security and hope. You may never know the full impact of what you sow into each child’s life, but every positive interaction contributes to their development, hope and joy today, and for their future.
So, thank you. We look forward to connecting with friends and colleagues old and new in the years to come.
David Wright at Paint Pots Nurseries PHOTO Teri Pengilley