
Changes to safeguarding guidance

The Government is consulting on changes to the wording in the Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance and new regulations.

The guidance has to be reviewed to bring it into line with the Children and Social Work Act, which became law in April.

The act means three safeguarding ‘partners’ (local authorities, chief officers of police, and clinical commissioning groups) will replace local safeguarding children's boards (LSCBs). 

A national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel will also be set up to commission and publish reviews of serious child safeguarding cases which it thinks raise issues that are complex or of national importance (replacing serious case reviews).

The consultation looks in detail at new wording on how these multi-agency safeguarding arrangements are made locally, including which relevant agencies partners should work with and how safeguarding arrangements should work in their area, and what arrangements to establish to provide for independent scrutiny of their work.

It also looks at The Child Death Review Statutory Guidance, which proposes that instead of asking whether a child death was preventable, the child death review process considers and identifies 'modifiable factors' - 'contributory factors to a death, that could be modified to reduce the risk of future child deaths.'

The consultation documents can be found here

The consultation deadline is 31st December