Pre-school children at Monkton Nursery in Liverpool took part in a 40-year tradition within the setting, posting their letters to Father Christmas.
Some time after posting their letters in a postbox within the setting's grounds, the children found some fairy dust and realised their letters were gone.
Rosedene Nurseries
A Stockton-based nursery joined forces with a local health and well-being food charity to support its Christmas appeal.
The Amal Project was established during the pandemic to provide tailored food hampers which meet the dietary requirements of Stockton borough’s BAME community.
Rosedene, which has a setting at Sunrise Children’s Centre, not far from The Amal Project’s EcoShop in Thornaby, joined other local businesses and individuals by donating time and resources to help others over the holidays.
The drive invites members of the community to provide food essentials for those who need it most during what can be a difficult time of year.
Children from Rosedene’s Sunrise setting filled their backpacks with donations before stacking shelves at the community hub and joining others in the festive tradition of giving back to the local community.
Tops Day Nurseries
Meanwhile, children and staff from Tops Day Nurseries Wimbourne (pictured below), treated their local community to a carol concert at the Wimborne Christmas lights switch on event.
Senior nursery manager Sharon White said the children had been rehearsing Christmas songs for weeks in preparation for the big event.
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