Our home-made fish pâté is one of the children’s favourite tea-time treats and is generally very popular with all age groups. We serve it on wholemeal crispbreads with tomatoes and cucumber, says Honey Pot Day Nurseries

? 115g (4oz) smoked mackerel or trout
? 2 tbsp natural yoghurt spread
? 2 tbsp cream cheese
? Seedless cucumber
? Pinch of paprika
? Salad to garnish
? Wholemeal crispbread
? Place mackerel/trout, natural yoghurt and cream cheese into a processor and blend for approximately ten seconds.
? Take the mixture out and place in a bowl. Add a pinch of paprika and grate the cucumber into the mixture until you achieve the desired texture.
? Spread onto wholemeal crispbreads and serve with a salad as a garnish.