On Saturday 4 February, Jane Dyke, owner of Yellow Dot Nurseries, and Stella Louis, consultant and Froebel trainer, will lead 'Raising quality in the EYFS: learning from Froebel'.
Find out how a Froebel training pilot at one nursery group has resulted in a renewed focus on nature, deepened practitioner understanding of early learning and enabled children to become more self-motivated learners.
Also on Saturday, Barbara Isaacs will speak on 'Bringing the Montessori approach to your early years practice'; and on Friday, Reggio is in the spotlight with Martin Pace and Laura Magnavacchi showing how Reflections Nursery runs Reggio-inspired creative projects or journeys with young children.
Hour-long seminars are available for £16 (plus VAT) at the early bird rate until 2 December.