Nursery World has created and produced the first dedicated survey into the impact years of nursery work takes on the health of early years practitioners. We have also spoken to legal and health experts on the implications of the findings for employers and their staff alike.
We also provide a snapshot of the how current rules around GCSEs on recruitment of level 3 candidates are affecting training providers around the country, along with evidence of how a leading employer is changing their recruitment strategy to cope with the lack of level 3s coming through the system.
Following the closure of Little Angels Nursery in Wiltshire last September following an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse, which was later dropped with no charges brought, we look at how to deal with this nightmare scenario for nurseries. We’ve also interviewed the owner, Rachel Cartmell, about her experience, as a warning to others.
Other features include a guide to sale-and-leaseback transactions, childminder support, multi-lingual nurseries and the benefits to investing in specialist practitioners in areas such as dance, music and sport.
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Read the articles:
Exclusive on staff health - work-related pain
How GCSE rule changes have decimated level 3 course recruitment
Budget challenges of free lunches for two-year-olds
Running a multilingual nursery
Carolynn Fletcher, Nursery Manager of the Year 2014
Dealing with the nightmare of allegations against staff
Benefits of arts and sport specialists for your setting