Choking incidents are a major concern for nurseries and childminders. In the year to March 2017, 387 children aged nought to four in England were admitted to hospital due to choking, with six deaths from choking in 2016.
The current first aid protocols for choking consist of back blows followed by either chest or abdominal thrusts depending on the child's age.
Dechoker is a single-piece unit, which consists of a mask placed over the mouth and nose to creat an airtight seal. Pulling back on the handle creates a vacuum, which draws the obstruction from the airway. A set of valves ensure air cannot be returned back into the mouth or airway.
Dechoker costs £99.95 and includes a wall-mountable case. If it is used in an emergency, it will be replaced free of charge with a new one.
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