PSED has always been at the heart of the early years curriculum, and its importance has been reniforced in the review of the EYFS by Dame Clare Tickell, in which she recommends that it becomes a 'Prime' area of learning.
Knowing how to create enabling environments that meets children's personal, social and emotional needs can be a bit of a challenge, so this issue of Nursery Equipment looks at the various strands of this area of learning and shows how they can be woven into the fabric of early years provision.
It answers questions such as: why are private spaces so important for children? What resources really engage children's curiosity? How do you offer challenge to young children?
Articles in this issue of Nursery Equipment include:
- Cosy corners to unwind in
- Encouraging free choice to enhance self-reliance
- Building positive attitudes to learing with ICT
- The complex issue of stereotyping and bias
- Playhouses, sheds and dens for private spaces
- Supporting children to recognise and manage their feelings
- Understanding and recognising differences
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