With Ofsted promising a move away from data to focus on 'quality of education', you need to make sure that your curriculum, learning environment and progression for children are fit for purpose.
Our seminars at the Nursery World Show on 1-2 February, led by top experts, can support you.
'Curriculum Planning: First Principles' on 2 February at 15.00-16.00 will give an overview of some principles of planning, ‘in the moment’ and throughout the year, and how to plan for effective high-quality continuous provision and for children’s learning in the short, medium and long term. Jude Twani, consultant for Early Education and assistant headteacher, is our speaker. drawing on years of experience and knowledge.
'Early Years Pedagogy: the LEYF Approach' is also on Saturday, at 10.00-11.00, and will feature London Early Years Foundation chief executive June O'Sullivan explaining how LEYF has designed and delivers an early years curriculum that nurtures and inspires the children in their care.
- Book your tickets and register to attend the Nursery World Show at www.nurseryworldshow.com