INsane Logic is the owner-run company behind MyChoicePad, a language development platform for mobile tablets using symbols and signs to reinforce language developed with Insane Logic’s team of resident speech and language therapists.
Designed to help children with communication difficulties, MyChoicePad is a low-cost, easy-to-use technology solution that helps to develop understanding and makes teaching more effective.
With many children with persistent speech, language and communication difficulties going on to have reading difficulties, there is a great demand to address communication difficulties at an early stage of development to ensure a brighter and more independent future.
Insane Logic has undertaken many projects with nurseries and pre-schools using MyChoicePad with users reporting great improvements in pre-school children’s vocabulary. Ultimately MyChoicePad ensures that anyone with communication difficulties receives a consistent level of support and education.
- Read about Insane Logic’s early years language development projects at: www.insanelogic.co.uk/research
- Find out more about Insane Logic: http://www.insanelogic.co.uk/or follow on Twitter @InsaneLogicUK
- Visit Insane Logic at the Nursery World Show - register here