Happy Kids Heybury Close nursery manager Tina McGillian organised a 'bear hunt' for the children of Beswick, Manchester. She placed pictures of bears in well known spots in the local area, such as outside the Ethiad Stadium and local doctor's surgery for children to find. The children could find the last 'golden' bear outside the nursery.
Tina says, 'We wanted to give children a fun activity to do whilst helping their physical development. The feedback was incredible from parents, we couldn't believe how many children took part and walked the whole way around the route which covered several miles. We invited all the children in the community to take part, as many of the other local nurseries had closed down and we were still open for key workers' children.
'All the bears are named in honour of our team at Heybury Close. We have kept our nursery open throughout the Coronavrius to support key workers childcare needs, to ensure they can work on the front line. I couldn’t be any more proud of each and every one of them, they are our superheroes.'
'We found 13 bears.... Nice activity thank u Happy Kids, you really are working hard for all the children, ' says one family.