
Words of wisdom at Nursery World North

Young children's speech and language is one of the top concerns for early years practitioners, so get up to speed with the latest research and expertise at Nursery World North.

Find out about the latest research into how children learn words, and how early years practitioners can support the early stages of language acquisition.

'Communication & Language: Word for Word' is led by Prof Padraic Monaghan, co-director of the ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD), a five-year research project aimed at transforming our understanding of children's language communication.

The seminar runs from 12.00-13.00 on Friday 5 May.

Don't miss the early bird rate of £16 (+VAT) for bookings made by 31st March. Book at http://www.nurseryworldshow.com/liverpool/seminar-and-masterclass/12-00-13-00-2