Here you'll find variety in vocals, accompaniment and styles of music, and what is so appealing about the songs is that they're often full of humour and all perfect for joining in - make accompanying noises, create your own actions, tap your feet, get up and dance. Even the most reluctant child - and adult - should find this emphasis on fun participation irresistible. For a flavour of what is on offer, you can listen online to short excerpts to a few of the songs. Each CD (£10 plus £1.50 p&p) comes with complete lyrics and suggestions on how to use and vary the songs.
Let's Go! contains 28 songs and 45 minutes of music. Among them is 'Hello everyone', recorded live and involving some very young nursery children. This simplest of songs welcomes different groups of people (whisperers, growlers, squeakers, shouters ...) and animals (cows, tigers, mice, snakes, fish ...), making it perfect for the nursery's youngest to join in. Also on this CD, hear the beat of African drums in 'Ke la la', clap your hands and join in the actions in 'Let's go', enjoy the tongue-twister 'Boom chikka boom' and sing along to 'Alice the Camel', which has no humps - so, it might be a horse?
With MusicFun (with 24 songs and 40 minutes of music), soothe children to sleep with the Italian lullaby 'Nina Nana'; hands up, shake, shake and wriggle to 'Grandma, Grandma'; join in Mr Clickety's silly game (with 'clicking' and accordion accompaniment) and relish the strong beat and repetition of the African song 'Ayungawa'.
The third CD, Hush My Baby, is aimed at under-threes and contains 38 songs that provide a mix of traditional and new, lively and gentle songs suitable for groups and one-to-one, and songs to use with puppets or props. The accompaniment across the three CDs includes guitar, accordion, hammer dulcimer, whistle, glockenspiel, balafon, fiddle, harp, mandolin, drums and keyboard.
- Play It CDs - www.playit.org.uk