This episode of the SecEd Webinar focused on metacognition and motivation in the classroom, with tips and advice for how teachers can foster independent learning and create independent learners. Watch back for free now!

Metacognition, motivation & independent learners:
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Featuring a panel of teachers and experts in metacognitive approaches in the clasroom, this webinar offers practical ideas and techniques for how teachers can prepare students for future success by helping them become increasingly independent, metacognitive, motivated learners

We discussed ways that teachers can ensure students become increasingly independent including by developing their metacognitive knowledge and self-regulation skills, explicitly teaching them a raft of study and research skills and helping them to develop intrinsic motivation and resilience so they can persevere when times are tough.

The webinar was hosted by Matt Bromley, who is a long-standing SecEd author and co-host of the award-winning SecEd Podcast. Our guests are:

  • Gemma Williamson, Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), The Hazeley Academy, Milton Keynes
  • Debbie Tremble, Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning, John Taylor High School, Staffordshire
  • Dr Jonathan Firth, Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Strathclyde

As well as answering questions from colleagues who tuned in live, the webinar discussion also discussed some specific questions:

  • What is metacognition? What is metacognitive knowledge? What is self-regulation? What are they not? Cognitive skills vs metacognitive skills.
  • Why are metacognitive skills important in terms of wellbeing and in terms of learning?
  • What role can/should the teacher play in developing students’ metacognition skills and independence in their learning? What does this look like in the classroom?
  • How are metacognitive skills best taught? in isolation as transferable skills or in a domain-specific way?
  • What other independent learning/study/research skills should we teach? How and when?
  • What does a typical sequence for developing metacognition in the classroom look like? What can the teacher model and explicitly teach to help students become increasingly metacognitive?
  • How does metacognition sit alongside differentiation?
  • Getting started: What three things would you advise teachers do next – what are your key takeaways?

SecEd hosts a half-termly webinar focused on best practice in the secondary school. For more details and to sign up for all our webinars, click here.