
At the chalkface: See you then, sir...

Some don’t go. Major scamps, who’ve spent half their lives trying to bunk the place, hang about the school gates. You watch them finally fade into our ever-darkening world. Still, get a grip, there’ll be a new lot in September.

“See you then, sir?”

Well, they probably won’t. It’s all over. Their childhoods.

There they were, smiling, aspirational, shiny-shoed, scrubbed-up, tiny tots, lined up under the big chestnut tree on their first day at Big School. And now here they are, weeping, hardened, battered and tested to destruction under that same big chestnut tree on their last day ever.

It’s all too much.

The tearful hugs, the shaving cream frolics, the daft kisses, the cheap flowers, the magic marker messages on t-shirts, all that Hallmark sentiment – “Have a great life!” “Will miss you forever.” “I loved you from year one.” “All the luck in the world.”

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