
Diary of a headteacher: How open is my open door?

Senior leadership
Our headteacher diarist has an ‘open door’ policy – but what does this mean in practice and how can he ensure that he isn’t overwhelmed by visitors?

One of the first things I said to the staff when I started my headship was that famous old line: “My door is always open if you want to come and speak to me.”

I have seen too many senior leaders hide behind their office door, avoid the staffroom or dodge difficult conversations with staff and I was determined to ensure that I was both visible and accessible to staff.

The reality is that the door is never entirely open – I have to conduct many meetings in my office that are confidential or are of a sensitive nature. There are also of course, several weekly meetings that I schedule with staff that I am loathed to re-arrange just because someone “urgently” needs to speak to me.

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