
Diary of a headteacher: January – time to review

If we don’t stop in January to review our progress towards school, departmental and individual objectives then we risk forgetting what they are

The spring term is a crucial period in the school calendar. Of course, one could argue that the autumn term is equally, if not more important, but there are certainly different priorities when we return to school in January.

For headteachers and principals, if September is all about launching the academic year successfully, setting out your vision and strategies, then January is the ideal time to recap and review.

Our schools are incredibly busy and we can become swept away very easily by the myriad of distractions that present themselves throughout the course of a school year.

By January, can every member of staff recall the key priorities for the school? Do all the teachers in your school know how well you are progressing in relation to the objectives set out in the school development plan?

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