
Diary of an NQT: Focus on your work/life balance

Being keen to please and eager to say ‘yes’ can make achieving a healthy work/life balance incredibly difficult for new teachers. Our NQT diarist reflects on how he is ensuring that the balance is right

Now that I am into the second month of term, I am making a concerted effort to manage my workload more effectively.

I am determined to remain on top of everything that needs doing while ensuring that I am able to have a life outside of school.

My department has two other NQTs and we all spent the first few weeks of term in a state of perpetual exhaustion. There are times when teaching feels like an endurance test.

It is crucial to build up your stamina to ensure that you are able to give your absolute best to every class that you teach – it doesn’t matter if it is period 5 on a Friday and you are looking forward to going home, you have to be on the ball at all times.

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