
Diary of an NQT: Getting to know you

Becoming a form tutor has proved rewarding for our NQT diarist, although the role throws up an array of interesting, engaging and sometimes bizarre interactions with students

The most satisfying aspect of my new role so far has been becoming a form tutor. As mentioned in my entry last week, I took over a form group who were nearing the end of year 8. This was a daunting prospect as the form had developed their own routines and traditions with their original tutor, with whom they had a fantastic relationship.

I was determined to make the transition between tutors as seamless as possible, honouring the high expectations that had existed mutually between the students and their previous teacher.

Any concerns I had proved to be unfounded, as the 30-strong group of 12 and 13-year-olds made me feel immediately welcome. During my first week, my form proved to be an invaluable source of information, helping me to become familiar with the school’s premises and procedures. I would encourage future NQTs to be open to advice from their students – they know the school inside-out and may offer information that fellow members of staff have not thought to relay.

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