
Diary of an NQT: Mocks, trips and contracts

From thoughts of an extra-curricular outing to contract discussions, this week has been particularly busy for our NQT diarist

I am really enjoying this week and seem to have loads of energy. The year 11s have started their piece of controlled assessment, year 12 and 13 are back in lessons after having exam leave last week, and the practice sessions for the inter-house Eisteddfod, which I mentioned in a previous entry, have started.

I have also been looking this week for something extra-curricular for students to do or perhaps a visit to take pupils on relating to chemistry – or indeed just the general subject area of science.

This is something that I have been finding particularly difficult. I like the idea of making science come alive outside of the classroom and I also want to look at a topic that interests students, but is not necessarily on the exam specification.

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